Relaxing in a queue
The time has come that we are standing in queues to the stores, as it once was. Quite unusual, because for a change no one stands on our backs. Sometimes the queue goes fast, sometimes [...]
A portion of hygiene - not just physical
A daily shower does not have to be a strictly hygienic activity. Many people discover new ideas, solutions, plans while showering or bathing. Bathroom is simply the place where some people "think well".
Relax is good for sickness
Do you know the saying "in a healthy body, healthy mind" promoting physical activity? And it works both ways - "healthy mind, healthy body." This can be compared to a computer - even the best hardware [...]
Energetic morning
Sometimes it happens to me that I’m soooo tired that I don’t feel like getting up in the morning. Maybe it’s the weather outside the window, especially when it’s gray outside or maybe it’s one of these days [...]
Life "For later"
Remember being a child and dreaming “when I grow up I want to be..”? And while some children fulfill their dreams in adult life - more or less - many people live completely differently than they dreamed of.
I'll think about it tomorrow
“After all, tomorrow is another day” used to say Scarlett O’Hara - heroine of “Gone with the wind” - in dramatic moments, requiring her to make a decision or act. From a perspective, we know that this strategy [...]
My place to sleep
When travelling on business I slept best whenever I slept in hotels. Maybe because those were nice hotels. Or maybe because the whole room was mine and only mine. Still, my best sleep environment ever was hotels.
Don’t feed your irritation
You know this state when everything and everyone irritates you? Even the things that don’t apply to you? The driver turning without using direction light, people on the bus crowding at the entrance [...]